About the book «Rich Dad Poor Dad»

«Rich Dad Poor Dad» is a book written by Robert Kiyosaki that challenges traditional financial advice and offers a unique perspective on financial literacy and entrepreneurship. The book is divided into 10 chapters, and each chapter presents a lesson or concept related to wealth-building and financial independence.

The author begins the book by describing his childhood and upbringing, and the contrasting perspectives of his two fathers. His «poor dad,» who was his biological father, was highly educated and worked as a government employee, while his «rich dad,» who was a friend’s father, was a successful entrepreneur who owned several businesses.


Throughout the book, the author contrasts the financial perspectives of these two individuals, and uses their experiences to illustrate the importance of financial literacy and entrepreneurship. Here is a summary of the key lessons presented in each chapter:

Chapter 1: Rich Dad, Poor Dad

In this chapter, the author introduces the two fathers and outlines their contrasting financial perspectives. He also presents his own views on wealth-building and financial independence.

Chapter 2: The Rich Don’t Work For Money

This chapter challenges the traditional idea that people should work hard and save money in order to become rich. The author argues that this approach is a trap that keeps people stuck in a cycle of debt and financial insecurity. Instead, he presents the idea that people should focus on building assets and creating passive income streams.

Chapter 3: Why Teach Financial Literacy?

In this chapter, the author argues that financial literacy is not taught in schools, and that this creates a cycle of people relying on others for financial advice. He emphasizes the importance of learning about money and finance, and presents various suggestions for how individuals can improve their financial literacy.

Chapter 4: The History of Taxes and the Power of Corporations

This chapter presents a historical overview of taxes and their impact on wealth creation. The author argues that taxes and corporate structures can be used to accumulate wealth and avoid liability.

Chapter 5: The Rich Invent Money

This chapter emphasizes the importance of creativity and entrepreneurship in wealth-building. The author argues that people should be creative in identifying ways to create value and generate income.

Chapter 6: Work to Learn—Don’t Work for Money

In this chapter, the author presents the idea that people should focus on learning and acquiring skills, rather than simply working for money. He argues that acquiring skills and knowledge is what leads to financial success.

Chapter 7: Overcoming Obstacles

This chapter emphasizes the importance of persistence and determination in overcoming obstacles and achieving success. The author presents various strategies for overcoming obstacles, such as developing a strong support network and reframing failures as learning experiences.

Chapter 8: Getting Started

In this chapter, the author presents practical tips for getting started on the path to wealth-building, such as creating a budget, reducing expenses, and investing in assets.

Chapter 9: Still Want More? Here Are Some To Do’s

This chapter presents additional steps and strategies that individuals can take to achieve financial independence, such as starting a business or investing in real estate.

Chapter 10: Inside the Mind of a Millionaire

In this chapter, the author presents insights and observations about the characteristics and habits of successful entrepreneurs and millionaires.

Overall, «Rich Dad Poor Dad» challenges traditional financial advice and offers a unique perspective on wealth-building and financial independence. The book presents practical tips and strategies for achieving financial success, and emphasizes the importance of creativity, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy.

Strengths of the book

One of the key strengths of the book is the author’s use of personal anecdotes and stories to illustrate his points. The contrast between the financial perspectives of the two fathers is extremely effective in conveying the author’s ideas about wealth-building and financial independence.

Another strength of the book is the author’s focus on entrepreneurship and creativity as key factors in wealth-building. The book emphasizes the importance of thinking differently and identifying new opportunities for generating income.

One potential drawback of the book is that some readers may find the author’s writing style simplistic or repetitive. The book presents a few key concepts and ideas, and repeats them throughout the book.

In conclusion

In conclusion, «Rich Dad Poor Dad» is a valuable resource for anyone interested in wealth-building and financial independence. The book challenges traditional financial advice and offers a unique perspective on entrepreneurship and financial literacy. While some readers may find the author’s writing style repetitive, the book remains a must-read for anyone interested in achieving financial success.