About the book «Selling With Emotional Intelligence»

«Selling With Emotional Intelligence» is a practical guidebook written by Mitch Krayton and Robert L. Rosen that aims to help sales professionals maximize their selling potential by integrating emotional intelligence into their daily interactions with customers. The authors believe that by developing greater emotional intelligence skills, salespeople can better understand and connect with their customers, leading to increased sales, customer satisfaction, and long-term loyalty.

The book is divided into three main sections, with additional appendices that provide additional resources for readers. In the first section, the authors provide an overview of the concept of emotional intelligence, explaining what it is and why it is important for salespeople to possess this quality. They also introduce the «four pillars» of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.

Key themes

  • The authors argue that these four pillars are critical for building more effective relationships with customers. They provide numerous examples of how salespeople can apply each of these pillars in real-world situations, both in face-to-face interactions and in virtual environments such as email and social media.
  • One of the key themes throughout the book is the importance of empathizing with customers. The authors argue that by developing greater empathy, salespeople can better understand the needs and motivations of their customers, which can help them tailor their sales pitches to better meet those needs. They provide a number of strategies for building empathy, including active listening, asking open-ended questions, and paying attention to nonverbal cues.
  • The second section of the book focuses specifically on how to apply emotional intelligence in sales situations. The authors provide a detailed walkthrough of the seven-step «emotional intelligence sales process,» which outlines the key stages of building rapport with customers, understanding their needs, and closing the deal. Each of these stages is accompanied by specific strategies for applying emotional intelligence, from building rapport through active listening and nonverbal communication, to closing the deal through effective persuasion and negotiation.
  • The authors also provide several case studies and examples of how these strategies have been successfully applied in real-world sales situations, demonstrating the tangible benefits that emotional intelligence can bring to selling. They also provide a number of exercises and self-assessments that readers can use to evaluate and improve their own emotional intelligence skills.
  • In the third and final section of the book, the authors discuss the importance of ongoing personal and professional development for salespeople. They argue that by continually striving to improve their skills and knowledge, salespeople can stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace. They provide a number of strategies for ongoing development, including attending conferences and workshops, seeking out mentoring and coaching, and networking with other sales professionals.

In conclusion

Overall, Selling With Emotional Intelligence is a highly practical and accessible guidebook that offers valuable insights and strategies for salespeople of all levels. The authors do an excellent job of breaking down the concept of emotional intelligence into its component parts, and they provide numerous examples and case studies to illustrate how these concepts can be applied in real-world situations. The book is also highly readable and engaging, with clear and concise language that makes it easy to follow along.

Selling With Emotional Intelligence is a valuable resource for those who are new to the concept of emotional intelligence or sales, as it provides practical strategies for improving sales performance. However, for those who are already familiar with emotional intelligence or have extensive experience in sales, the book may seem somewhat simplistic. Despite this potential limitation, the book is still an excellent resource that is well worth checking out. The author’s approach to emotional intelligence in sales is accessible and easy to understand, making it an ideal read for those who are just starting out in the field. The book provides actionable tips and techniques that can be immediately applied to improve sales performance, and the author’s insights into the role of emotional intelligence in sales are both insightful and thought-provoking. Overall, Selling With Emotional Intelligence is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their sales skills and gain a deeper understanding of the role that emotional intelligence plays in the sales process.