About the book «Start With Why»

«Start With Why» is a leadership and management book written by Simon Sinek that proposes a simple but powerful concept: that successful companies and leaders start with a clear sense of purpose and a deep understanding of why they do what they do. The book explains why starting with why is critical for inspiring and motivating employees, building customer loyalty, and achieving sustainable long-term success.

Sections of the book


    • The book is divided into three main sections: «Part 1: A World that Doesn’t Start With Why,» «Part 2: An Alternative Perspective,» and «Part 3: Leaders Need a Following.» In the first section, the author provides a critique of the prevailing management philosophy that he calls the «what-how» model, which prioritizes products and services over purpose and values.

    • He argues that in a world dominated by this approach, many companies and leaders are struggling to differentiate themselves, compete effectively, and build lasting relationships with customers and employees. He provides several examples of companies that started with a clear sense of purpose and went on to achieve extraordinary success, such as Apple, Harley-Davidson, and Southwest Airlines.

    • In the second section of the book, the author introduces the concept of the Golden Circle, which consists of three concentric circles: why, how, and what. The why circle represents the core purpose and beliefs of a company or leader, the how circle represents the unique way in which they bring that purpose to life, and the what circle represents the specific products or services they offer.

    • The author argues that most companies and leaders focus primarily on the what and how circles, and only pay lip service to the why circle. He suggests that by reversing this approach and starting with why, companies and leaders can connect more deeply with employees and customers, and create a sustainable competitive advantage.

    • In the third section of the book, the author explores the qualities of effective leaders, and how they are able to inspire and motivate others to follow them. He argues that the most successful leaders are those who are able to articulate a clear sense of why, and communicate it in a way that resonates with others.

    • He provides several examples of leaders who have successfully done this, including Martin Luther King Jr., who inspired millions with his vision of a world where all people are created equal, and Steve Jobs, who built a loyal following around his passion for innovation and design.

    • Throughout the book, the author provides numerous examples and case studies to illustrate his points, covering a wide range of industries and organizational contexts. He also provides practical advice and tips for leaders who want to start with why, including examples of how to frame messages in a way that emphasizes purpose and values, rather than products and services.

In conclusion

Overall, Start With Why is a compelling and thought-provoking book that challenges conventional wisdom about leadership and management. The author’s use of real-world examples and case studies adds depth and relevance to the concepts presented in the book, and makes it easy for readers to relate to and apply the principles of starting with why in their own lives.

One potential limitation of the book is that it may not provide enough guidance on how to identify and articulate one’s sense of why. While the author provides several examples and case studies of companies and leaders who have done this successfully, readers who are struggling with this issue may need to seek additional resources and support.

Another potential limitation is that the book may not address the challenges and obstacles that can arise when trying to implement a purpose-driven approach in a complex organization. While the author acknowledges that this is not an easy undertaking, he could provide more guidance on how to navigate the potential resistance and opposition that may arise.

Despite these limitations, Start With Why is a valuable resource for any leader or manager who wants to build a successful and sustainable organization. By providing a compelling rationale and roadmap for starting with why, the author offers a powerful vision of what is possible for those who are willing to challenge conventional wisdom and lead with purpose and values.