About the book «Steve Jobs»

«Steve Jobs» by Walter Isaacson is an in-depth and comprehensive account of the life and achievements of the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs. The book provides a fascinating insight into how Jobs revolutionized the personal computer industry and transformed our world with his innovative products and creative thinking.

Highlights of the book


    • The book traces Jobs’ life from his childhood in California through to his days at Apple and beyond. It explores the personality and drive of the man who was both revered and reviled for his unwavering pursuit of excellence and his dictatorial leadership style. However, the book also presents a more complex and nuanced portrait of the man behind the products, revealing his fears, insecurities and personal struggles.

    • Isaacson takes us through some of Jobs’ most notable accomplishments, such as the creation of the Apple Macintosh, the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. The book delves into the profound impact these products have had on the way we live, work and communicate today. We learn about Jobs’ dedication to design and how he was obsessed with the user experience. He wanted his products to be not just functional but beautifully designed and easy to use, a philosophy that continues to inform Apple’s products today.

    • One of the most interesting aspects of the book is the exploration of Jobs’ relationship with his longtime friend and colleague Steve Wozniak. Isaacson describes how the two Steves met in high school and founded Apple together in 1976. They had a symbiotic relationship, with Wozniak providing the technical know-how and Jobs the vision and business acumen. However, as Apple grew, tensions between the two began to arise, and they had a falling out. The book describes how Jobs later reconciled with Wozniak, and the two remained close friends until Jobs’ death in 2011.

    • Another highlight of the book is the description of Jobs’ personal life. Isaacson reveals that Jobs was adopted as a baby and struggled with issues of abandonment and identity throughout his life. He also had a strained relationship with his biological father, who he eventually met after many years. The book explores Jobs’ relationships with his wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, and their children, as well as his close friendships with people like Jony Ive, Apple’s lead designer.

    • Isaacson does not shy away from presenting Jobs’ darker side, including his ruthless business tactics, his tendency to berate employees, and his lack of empathy towards others. However, the book also presents a more compassionate view of Jobs, showing how his intense focus and determination were driven by a desire to create something truly great. Isaacson suggests that Jobs’ obsession with perfection may have been fueled by a desire to prove himself worthy of love and acceptance.

    • One of the most poignant sections of the book is the account of Jobs’ battle with cancer. Isaacson describes Jobs’ initial refusal to undergo surgery and his attempts to treat his illness with alternative therapies. Ultimately, the cancer spread, and Jobs underwent a liver transplant in 2009. The book reveals how, despite his weakened state, Jobs continued to oversee the development of new products and remained a driving force at Apple until shortly before his death.

In conclusion

Overall, Steve Jobs is a fascinating read that provides an in-depth and well-researched account of one of the most influential figures of our time. Isaacson has written a highly readable and engaging biography that takes the reader on a journey through Jobs’ life, exploring his successes, failures, personal relationships, and impact on the world. Whether you are an Apple fan or simply interested in the history of technology, this book is essential reading.