About the book «Think and Grow Rich» by Napoleon Hill

«Think and Grow Rich» by Napoleon Hill is an evergreen classic that has been inspiring and motivating people for more than half a century. It is a book about the principles that govern success, and the methodology that can be used to achieve it.


The author interviewed 500 successful people, and studied their lives and habits to come up with a set of principles that anyone could use to achieve success. These principles are anchored in the concept of the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like, and that our thoughts and emotions shape our lives.

The book is divided into thirteen chapters, each of which is focused on one of the principles of success. Here is a summary of each chapter.

Chapters of the book

  • Chapter 1: Introduction In this chapter, the author introduces the book and explains the purpose and context of the principles presented in it.
  • Chapter 2: Desire This chapter emphasizes that desire is the starting point of all achievement, and it must be a burning desire that is backed by determination and persistence.
  • Chapter 3: Faith This chapter emphasizes the importance of faith, which is defined as the conviction that one can achieve what one desires, even if one does not know how it will happen.
  • Chapter 4: Autosuggestion In this chapter, the author discusses the concept of autosuggestion, which involves training the subconscious mind to focus on positive thoughts and emotions.
  • Chapter 5: Specialized Knowledge This chapter emphasizes the importance of specialized knowledge, which is knowledge that is specific to a particular field or industry.
  • Chapter 6: Imagination In this chapter, the author highlights the importance of imagination in achieving success. He argues that the mind can create different realities, and that our imagination is a powerful tool that can shape our experiences.
  • Chapter 7: Organized Planning This chapter emphasizes the importance of organized planning, which involves breaking down a goal into smaller, achievable tasks.
  • Chapter 8: Decision This chapter emphasizes the importance of decisiveness, which involves making clear and informed decisions, and taking action based on those decisions.
  • Chapter 9: Persistence In this chapter, the author discusses the importance of persistence, which involves not giving up in the face of obstacles or setbacks.
  • Chapter 10: Power of the Master Mind This chapter emphasizes the importance of networking and collaboration, and suggests that success is often the result of the support and collaboration of a group of people.
  • Chapter 11: The Mystery of Sex Transmutation This chapter discusses the concept of sex transmutation, which involves channeling sexual energy into creative and productive pursuits.
  • Chapter 12: The Subconscious Mind This chapter discusses the power of the subconscious mind, and how it can be harnessed to achieve success.
  • Chapter 13: The Brain In this chapter, the author discusses the relationship between the brain and the mind, and how the brain can be trained to achieve success.

The book also includes a section on practical applications, which provides concrete strategies and exercises for implementing the principles outlined in the book.

Achieve success with the book

Overall, «Think and Grow Rich» is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to achieve success. The principles presented in the book are timeless, and can be applied to any field or industry. While the book focuses on financial success, the principles can be used to achieve success in any area of life.

The book is well-written, and the principles are presented in a clear and accessible manner. While some of the concepts may appear simplistic or clichéd to some readers, the book remains a must-read for anyone who wants to achieve success. The practical applications section is particularly useful, as it provides concrete strategies for implementing the principles presented in the book.

One potential drawback of the book is that some readers may find the tone and language of the book somewhat outdated or archaic. However, this should not detract from the value of the principles presented in the book.

In conclusion

In conclusion, «Think and Grow Rich» is a classic that has stood the test of time. The principles presented in the book are timeless and universal, and can be applied to any area of life. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a creative professional, or simply someone who wants to achieve your goals, this book is a valuable resource that can help you achieve success.